Meet the Author



Emily Foldes (BSc, DMD) is a general dentist living and practicing in the Toronto area. After graduating from Western University with an Honors Specialization in Biology, Emily earned her DMD at Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine. After furthering her dental studies in the AEGD program at the University of Connecticut, Emily moved back to Toronto to be close to her family.

Emily loves seeing children of all ages in her practice. She was inspired to write The Tooth Troopers to help ease the fears of all of the unknowns experienced during a dental visit.

Self Illustrator Sketch.jpg


Sari Richter (BFA, DTATI) is an artist and illustrator living and working in Toronto. She loves working with authors to bring their magical ideas to the page, and then reading the stories to her daughter, Rosalind. Sari also enjoys creating murals, storyboards, crafts and commissioned artwork.